Here is my curriculum vitae.
It is key in my teaching that I adhere to the growing philosophy I have. After my first semester of teaching as the instructor of record, I wrote where my teaching philosophy was, and I want to share that with you here through my essay of Teaching Philosophy Evolves.
As a personal project to learn how to develop a course from the ground up, I have worked on an introduction to proofs course. This course would be intended for students who have never taken a proofs course, and may have some knowledge about Calculus 1 already. I am not assuming my imaginary students know more than pre-calculus. You can check out the course syllabus here: Math X01 Introduction to Proofs Syllabus. Here is a preview of the first week's content, Week 1 Lesson Plan and Materials!
As a Course Developer, I focused on the Algebra courses of the department, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, and College Algebra Co-Requisite. The changes I've made in Intermediate Algebra and College Algebra are a direct change to the Co-Requisite. During Summer 2024, I had the pleasure of further developing the seminar course for the Learning Assistants of the Mathematics Department, where I worked to establish a better timeline of topics and assignments that better addressed equitable teaching practices. For the Intermediate Algebra course, I recorded 30+ videos to be embedded into the Online Education Resource (OER) we provide to students for free. This is the textbook used for the course. You can find the videos in each section of the textbook a "Supplemental Videos" section. Here is the link for the first section of Intermediate Algebra: Here is the link for all the supplemental videos for the Intermediate Algebra course that I recorded: For the College Algebra course, I reordered the sections of the first chapter to have better scaffolding and sequencing of topics. For example, putting the function notation topic before the rate of change formula which uses function notation. This required updating the course workbook and homework to also scaffold accordingly. For both courses, I learned how to update the OER and work with the Online Homework Platform (WeBWorK) for these courses. For Math 97 Seminar for Mathematics Learning Assistants, this is a pedagogy course for the undergraduates that serve as assistants to UNL's precalculus and introduction to proofs courses. I co-developed the curriculum and materials for this weekly seminar. I also made a structured observation and reflection assignment for the Learning Assistants which faciliated their metacognition and development as future instructors! On an unofficial capacity, for Math 302 Mathematical Modeling (for Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers), I developed guided notesheets for students to use for notetaking during class, as well as guide the instructors in lecture. These have been passed onto the new instructors. If you would like to access them, please email me.