
My curriculum vitae is here.

If you're looking for the mathematics research writings, those are all in the Research tab above. This page is dedicated to my writing projects that I do outside of my research. These are meant to be an outlet to let my thoughts out in a productive manner.

Monthly Math-y

The title of this project is in the works, but I like the sound of it right now. In this series of essays, I attempt to explain math ideas in a way that make it understandable for non-math folks. My goal is to help people who want to know what I'm doing in life but do not have the years needed to comprehend the advanced math needed. I hope that it's readable for anyone who is willing to learn.

As of right now and due to my schedule and life events, this project is on hiatus. I hope to come back to it when I have the time! But enjoy this complete year collection.
The * signifies adding the essay for that month at a later date.

  1. January 2021 - Induction
  2. February 2021 - Topological Data Analysis
  3. March 2021 - Prime Madness
  4. April 2021 - Making a Differential (A tribute to my Father)
  5. May 2021* - Finding Roots
  6. June 2021* - Interpolation
  7. July 2021* - Hawking Theory?
  8. August 2021 - Re: Math is Hard
  9. September 2021* - Johan's Research
  10. October 2021 - Lost in the Fun(ctions)
  11. November 2021 - Unpack Teaching
  12. December 2021 - Teaching Philosophy Evolves

Other Writings

I do have passions outside of math, and I tend to talk a lot. Topics that I feel strongly about, enough to write an essay for it.

  1. Success , an essay written for my students and peers. An exploration of how we can be more success in our classes (and life).